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The Land Belongs To Us

Our documentary ‘The Land Belongs To Us’ tells the story of two communities in Alta Verapaz who live with the permanent threat of eviction and of a community leader who reflects on this problem, which is present in many regions of Guatemala and which he and his family have experienced firsthand.


In this documentary TZK’AT, the Network of Ancestral Healers of Territorial Community Feminism from Iximulew - Guatemala, shares its support to native women defenders of life in situations of political risk through healing as a cosmic political path and integral security measure.



This documentary tells the story of the struggle of the community of La Primavera in the municipality of San Cristobal, Alta Verapaz, to recover the land on which they have lived for generations. Despite receiving land titles in 2015, the struggle faces new challenges.


Communities unionized in the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) of the Verapaces struggle for their territory in spite of death threats and criminalization. Learn about the struggle of Don Lorenzo and Don Pedro of the Santa Elena Samanzana II community, Cobán, Alta Verapaz. (with English subtitles)


  Published December 2021


Every July 28, the neighbors of the Chicoyogüito community conmemorate the violent eviction they were victims of in 1968; and demonstrate to reclaim their land. Learn about their struggle in this podcast from 2021:


In february 2020, the Olopa Resistance celebrated its first anniversary of the instalation of a sit-in on the road to the mine. This short video tells about the struggle of the Peaceful Resistance of Olopa,  accompanied by Nuevo Dia, against the minig project that started its activities in their territory without a prior, free and informed consultation.



Land of corn is a documentary film about four environmental and land rights defenders from Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and Honduras who work in an extremely dangerous environment and risk their lives, their freedom and the safety of their families because of the work they do.

Sara Méndez travels every week to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Mexico), where some of the largest wind farms in the country are being constructed. Martín Gómez is resisting the construction of a hydroelectric project on the Chinacla River in Honduras. Mary Hernández had to seek refuge in the Curbaradó humanitarian zone because of threats she received while defending her land in a territory that has been subjected to large-scaled cattle ranching, palm oil tree cultivation and timber exploitation. Adrian Kal has been fighting for the past 15 years for his community´s land in Guatemala, which was sold to a logging firm. As Sara, Martin, Mary and Adrian explain their work and daily struggle, the audience learns about the threats they receive, their fears and the lack of protection mechanisms in their countries. Spanish

30 years accompanying hope:
Documentary realized on the ocassion of the 30th anniversary of PBI Project Guatemala Spanish


Dealing with criminalization and difamation:
Encounter between Human Rights Defenders and the International Community - 3 september 2013 - Santa Cruz (Alta Verapaz) Spanish 


Presentation in Santa Fe Ocaña of the report:
Guatemala’s indigenous women in resistante: On the frontline of the community’s struggle to defend Mother Earth and her natural assets (spanish)