Every semester our project elaborates a Bulletin that profounds relevant issues of the Guatemalan human rights situation.

Boletín 50 - January 2024
“The only way forward is to keep fighting”: CPR-Sierra 25 years after its arrival in El Triunfo - Climate crisis increases food insecurity for thousands of families - The problem of migration on the South Coast: entire families forced to migrate for lack of opportunities -Resuming accompaniment of FAMDEGUA
Bulletin 49 - August 2023
40 years of searching for Luz Leticia: “The truth must come out so that history does not repeat itself.” - From the La Mocca farm to the 12 Tz’ikin: a story of unfinished struggle - Community 15 de Febrero: the struggle for land is the struggle for life! - News of our work: Sexual violence against women defenders of land and territory
Bulletin 48 - December 2022
Escalating agrarian conflict: the situation in the Verapaces worsens - The importance of good water management. Interview with Sara Ortiz - Canalitos: historical struggle for water - Council of Maya Ch’orti’ Indigenous Authorities of Olopa in Defense of Mother Earth - News of our work. We are concerned about the criminalization of human rights defenders
Stolen Childhood: “We are the seeds that the State tried to kill, but now we bloom in the morning light” - Journey to the green desert: Retalhuleu communities reclaim their to water - Biodiversity and Ancestral Knowledge Law Initiative - News from our Work: La Sangre de la Tierra documentary returns to Cahabon
The impact of COVID-19 in communities accompanied by PBI - 10th Anniversary of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: challenges for their implementation in Guatemala - The power of words. Luis de Lión’s cegacy and the Diario Militar –Death Squad Dossier– case - News of our work: New Accompaniment of the Association ‘Nunca
Pares’ (Never Give Up)
Bulletin 45 - July 2021
The closure of the peace institutions: Concerns about the close of Peace Accords Institutions - The process for dignifying victims and survivors at risk: the close of SEPAZ and transfer of PNR - Huge Challenges on the Road Towards Peace - Close of COPREDEH and strong concerns over the creation of COPADEH - The huge vacuum left by the close of the Secretary for Agrarian Affairs (SAA) - Conclusions - News from our work Case of Aldea Los Josefinos Massacre Vs Guatemala
Bulletin 44 - December 2020
Native peoples: self-organization and resistance to the pandemic and the State’s abandonment - UVOC: 40 years of resistance, organization and struggle in defense of the rights of campesino and indigenous families - News of our work The sugar business in Guatemala: Sweet profits for exporters, bitter impacts for communities - Fighting corruption from the municipal level: New accompaniment for the Association of Neighbors Against Corruption in Patzicía (AVCCP)
Bulletin 43 - August 2020
Water Shortages in Guatemala. Gerardo Paíz, ecologist with the Madre Selva Collective - Comprehensive Care Centres for Women Survivors of Violence In Danger: The case of the Petén Ixqik Women’s Association - International Arbitration against the Guatemalan State: The El Tambor Mine Case - News of our work: The Blood of the Earth – Hydroelectric mega-projects and their Impact on Human Rights

Bulletin 42 - Diciembre 2019
Hate and other crimes against the LGBTI population - The Olopa Sit-Ins: “We are determined to keep fi ghting” - Communities raise their voices about the climate crisis - News from our work: Observation in Petén Organizations and Communities at Risk
Bulletin 41 - August 2019
Escalation of Criminalization and Number of Arrest Warrants Issued to Human Rights Defenders in Alta Verapaz - More than Two Years on from the Tragedy at the “Safe Home”: An Interview with Leonel Dubón, Children’s Rights Defender - The Cunén Communities’ Council: “from Protest to Proposals” - News of our work: New Accompaniment with the Chinautla Multisector
Bulletin 40 - December 2018
Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA)–Verapaces Region: agrarian struggle threatened - Second verdict in Ixil Genocide Case: Interview with Francisco Vivar one of the lawyers on the case - Petén: Protected Areas Law (LAP) and its consequences over the communities that inhabit these areas - News of our work: PBI celebrates the 20th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders

Bulletin 39 - August 2018
Criminalization of social protest and Congress’ regressive agenda - Interview with Bernardo Caal Xol, defender of the Cahabón river - Impacts of criminalization on the families of human rights defenders - News of our work: Accompaniment to TZK’AT

Bulletin 38 - January 2018
While injustice persists, resistance will continue: 24th anniversary of the CPR Ixcán - Food security in Guatemala: a preventable humanitarian drama - Risks, threats, and challenges for the LGBTI population in Guatemala - News of our work: Accompanying the Peaceful Resistance of Cahabón
Bulletin 37 - August 2017
Regulation of consultation, a highly questioned process - Now there is nowhere to plant. Life after eviction - Struggle against violence towards women: Institutional obstacles and alternatives of self-management - News of our work: Taking back the AEU: for a renewal of the student movement
Bulletin 36 - December 2016
Uncontrolled logging in forests: A risk to the survival of indigenous communities - Living in protected areas: The life of communities in Sierra del Lacandón and Laguna del Tigre, Petén - Plan of the Alliance for Prosperity: Prosperity for who? - News of our work: Progress in transitional justice: CREOMPAZ Case
Bulletin 35 - August 2016
Land: women, the forgotten ones - Product of exploitation: women and maquilas - Lolita Chávez and Helen Mack reflect on hate speech
Bulletin 34 - March 2016
Community comunication: grassroots journalism at risk - The defense of the Merendón and Granadillas Mountains: a peaceful struggle for water - Hydropower in Guatemala: questioning of and alternatives to large hydroelectric plants - Information about our work
Bulletin 33 - 1st of 2015
Petén: Women weaving a new society - Rights behind bars? When Defending Territory Becomes a Crime - Women and defenders of territory: a double struggle - Information about our work
Bulletin 33 - 1st of 2015 (pdf 1.1 MB)
Bulletin 32 - 2nd of 2014
Closure of the spaces for the protection of Human Rights in Guatemala - Interview with Santiago Chóc Cú: The fight against impunity. Looking to dignify the victims following the legal process - Social protest and violent evictions: observations and concerns - Information about our work
Bulletin 32 - 2nd of 2014 (pdf 1.3 MB)
Bulletin 31 - 1st of 2014
Women human rights defenders speak out - Roundtable dialogue meetings - Pueblo Maya Chortí
Bulletin 31 - 1st of 2014 (pdf 687 KB)
Bulletin 30 - 2st of 2013
The case of the Primavera estate, San Cristóbal, Alta Verapaz - Criminalisation of social protest continues - CONAVIGUA: 25 years fighting for women’s rights
Bulletin 30 - 2st of 2013 (pdf 0.9 MB)
Bulletin 29 - 1st of 2013
Trial for Genocide: The right to truth and justice for the victims, families and survivors - Peten: population displacement and the expulsion of communities from their land - News of Our Work
Bulletin 29 - 1st of 2013 (pdf 1.7 MB)
Bulletin 28 - 3rd of 2012
Resistance in La Puya: Taking on mining companies in their communities - Women speak out: “We are not struggling solely for our own existence but out of a commitment to our ancestors and the coming generations” - News relating to our work.
Bulletin 28 - 3rd of 2012 (pdf 1.6 MB)
Bulletin 27 - 2nd of 2012
Legal proceedings open against former Head of State and high-ranking officers of the Guatemalan army accused of genocide and crimes against humanity - Northern Transversal Strip: disputed territory (second part) - The Committee in Defense of San’s Rafael Life The Flowers demands Consultation - News relating to our work.
Bulletin 27 - 2nd of 2012 (pdf 1.4 MB)
Bulletin 26 - 1st of 2012
The fight against impunity in face of violations of the right to food - Northern Transversal Strip: disputed territory - An overview of the human rights situation in Petén
Bulletin 26 - 1st of 2012 (pdf 2.0 MB)
Bulletin 25 - 3rd of 2011
Interview with Carlos Morales, UVOC, on land, agrarian conflict and human rights in the Verapaz region - Protected Areas in Guatemala: state protection of territory - Activities for PBI’s 30th anniversary
Bulletin 25 - 3rd of 2011 (pdf 1.9 MB)
Bulletin 24 - 2nd of 2011
Pre-trial custody and criminal justice procedures: three people from San Juan Sacatepequez deprived of liberty for almost three years - Follow up to the Community Consultation in Sacapulas, Quiché.
Bulletin 24 - 2nd of 2011 (pdf 1.4 MB)
Bulletin 23 - 1st of 2011
Interview with Velia Muralles on the Historical Archives of the National Police - Legal Action Against Human Rights Defenders: Overview of the Current Context and its Consequences.
Bulletin 23 - 1st of 2011 (pdf 1.9 MB)
Bulletin 22 - 3rd of 2010
The death penalty, faceless judges and anti-gang laws: a legitimate and adequate response to the violence in Guatemala? - Petén: nobody’s land, everybody’s land - European advocacy tour by Lorena Cabnal from the Association of Indigenous Xinka Women of Santa María Xalapán Jalapa - The current status of compliance with the recommendations of the Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH) on forced disappearance and exhumations.
Bulletin 22 - 3rd of 2010 (pdf 1.9 MB)
Bulletin 21 - 2nd of 2010
Mining:Good for Guatemala? - Human rights and the defence of natural resources: community consultations in Quiché - Curbing violence and stimulating the Guatemalan economy
Bulletin 21 - 2nd of 2010 (pdf 2.2 MB)
Bulletin 20 - 1st of 2010
‘States of prevention: a solution or a cause of violence?’, ‘Women, land and territory’, ‘Major development projects in Chiquimula’ and news from the Guatemala Project.
Bulletin 20 - 1st of 2010 (pdf 2.2 MB)
Bulletin 19 - December 2009
Interview with Norma Cruz, Director of the Survivors Foundation; Chronic Food Insecurity Remains Unaddressed in Guatemala; Informal Settlements in Guatemala City; Xalalá: The Right to Community Participation; News of our Work and Peace Brigades International’s Mission Objectives
Bulletin 19 - December 2009 (pdf 3.6 MB)
Bulletin 18 - August 2009
Investigating the Past: The Puzzle of the Truth; Interview with Marco Tulio Alvarez Bobadilla; Neighbourhood Security and Citizens Patrols: An Answer to Local Insecurity in Guatemala?; Criminalisation and the Social Movement; News from the Team.
Bulletin 18 - August 2009 (pdf 10.7 MB)
Bulletin 17 - March 2009
Impunity in Guatemala’s Maquila Industry; Social Issues and Human Rights in Petén; Agrofuels, a Special Focus on Petén; Justice and Reconciliation in Guatemala: Between Frustration and Hope; Two Years on: Peasant Farmers from La Mocca Farm Continue without Land; News from the Team.
Bulletin 17 - March 2009 (pdf 1.4 MB)
Bulletin 16 - September 2008
Megaprojects and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A pending challenge - Evictions and impunity: the Nueva Linda case - Our work: PBI accompaniments.
Bulletin 16 - September 2008 (pdf 734 KB)
Bulletin 15 - May 2008
The death penalty: A last minute reprieve. New government, and the death penalty?. - Izabal; agrarian conflict protagonist. - Sexual Diversity in Guatemala. - PBI’s accompaniments.
Bulletin 15 - May 2008 (pdf 642 KB)
Bulletin 12 - March 2007
The trend towards criminalising environmental protests - Population movement and Human Rights - Interview with the Association Grupo CEIBA - 2007 Elections - An update on the project’s activities
Bulletin 12 - March 2007 (pdf 1.9 MB)
Bulletin 09 - May 2006
Campesino labour rights violations in San Marcos - Epidemic of violence and signs of social cleansing - Water: source of life, source of conflicts - Interview with Jorge López of OASIS
Bulletin 09 - May 2006 (pdf 1.1 MB)
Bulletin 14 - December 2007
Civic festival stained by violence - Murder of woman in Guatemala - EU-Central America Association Agreement - Interview with Julio Archila, MTC - An update on the project’s activities.
Bulletin 14 - December 2007 (pdf 3.4 MB)
Bulletin 13 - August 2007
CICIG: A new opportunity to end impunity? - Agrarian conflict - Interview with José Roberto Morales, CALDH - Tortilla: Food or fuel? - An update on the project’s activities
Bulletin 13 - August 2007 (pdf 533 KB)
Bulletin 08 - February 2006
Fortuitous discovery of the archives of the former National Police - The agrarian problem: Experiences of the community El Maguey - Political participation of Guatemala’s Indigenous population - Interview con Eloyda Mejía of the Association of Friends of Lake Izabal (ASALI) - PBI-Guatemala: Team work
Bulletin 08 - February 2006 (pdf 633 KB)
Bulletin 07- November 2005
Polemic over the politicisation of aid after Hurricane Stan - Labour Rights in Guatmala: Unfinished Business? - Nueva Linda: One year after the eviction - A look at the everyday life of the people living in Guatemala ́s shanty towns - Activities of the Team in the field
Bulletin 07- November 2005 (pdf 2.0 MB)
Bulletin 10 - September 2006
The Spanish National Court’s Rogatory Commission: a step towards justice - Sipacapa: a year on from the community consultation - The Mocca: Chronicle of a death foretold - Interview with Sandra Morán from the Women’s sector - An update on the project’s activities
Bulletin 10 - September 2006 (pdf 1.2 MB)
Bulletin 01 - December 2003
PBI Guatemala: Work in Progress – Reparations, The Long Road to Justice and Reconciliation – Interviews – Elections – Guatemala Project
Bulletin 01 - December 2003 (pdf 425 KB)
Bulletin 11 - December 2006
Back to the past? Re-militarization of citizen security causes controversy - Settlements in the capital - The student and youth movement - Interview with Erwin Orrego from FENVEMEGUA - An update on the project’s activities
Bulletin 11 - December 2006 (pdf 1.3 MB)
Bulletin 06 - August 2005
Deteriorating situation of human rights defenders - Interview: Carlos Morales of the Union of Campesino Organizations of the Verapaces (UVOC) - Land Registry Law: The solution to land conflict? - Serious concerns over the Law of Concessions - PBI Guatemala: Entering in new cycles of work