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New Book: Recovering Our Historical Memory

New Book: Recovering Our Historical Memory

Recovering Our Historical Memory: Repression, Refuge and Healing Experienced by Populations Uprooted by the Violence in Guatemala

This photography based book is primarily an educational publication in Spanish about Guatemalan populations displaced by the internal armed conflict. This book is part of a much larger movement toward memory and healing for people who were uprooted by the violence. Through a network of Guatemalan and international NGOs, institutions, universities, associations of educators, and foundations, as well as several Guatemalan governmental offices, 19,000 soft cover copies of this book are being distributed for free in Guatemala to high schools, universities, libraries, communities, NGOs, etc. There will also be a CD version and an accompanying guide for teachers.

A hard back version of the book will also be distributed and sold throughout the Americas (and for sale in the US). If you are aware of NGOs or book stores in Latin America and Spain that would be interested in distributing and selling this book,>please send an email to: informacion(at), and copy me at jonas(at)

Please see the attached PDF of the front and back cover of the book. Here is a link to the publisher’s site on the book:

By purchasing this book—either the soft or hard cover edition—you help support the free distribution process in Guatemala as well as the production and printing of the CD version. Please share this information with others by forwarding this email to your contacts and list serves.

Soft cover: $18/book ($10 goes to Guatemala to subsidize the distribution process and the printing of the CD, and $10 to offset the cost of printing the book) + $2 shipping


Bulk/Consignment: Five or more copies @ $13/book + $5 to $10 shipping (for entire box). 50% of this price supports the distribution process in Guatemala and the CD production.) By re-selling the books at $20 apiece, your organization can raise $5 per book.

Hard cover: $32/book ($16 goes to Guatemala to subsidize the distribution process and the printing of the CD, and $16 to offset the cost of printing the book) + $3 shipping =>$35/book

To order either book, single copies, or bulk or consignment, please contact:

Chris Cottle: cottle.christopher(at) Please make checks made out to “Jonathan Moller” and mail to:

Chris Cottle, 185 West Archer Place Denver, CO 80223

Endorsements for this book:

These testimonies and photographs incarnate memory, and they are impossible to forget.  Then how can Guatemala forget? Some people say it’s better to forget, but, it’s obvious: forgetting is darkness, and memory is light.  Without light, you can’t find where you are going.  Memory shows the way ahead. Guatemala won’t forget, especially with the help of projects like this one, which help light the paths to the other side of darkness. Francisco Goldman

It was the worst massacre since the times of the Conquest in the 16th century. It happened just twenty five years ago, but the world, blinded by racism, never knew. Eduardo Galeano

The terrible fate of the Maya of Guatemala is one of the great crimes of the 20th century.  The veil of silence that has been spread over it compounds the crimes.  For Guatemala it is an urgent necessity that the reality be fully revealed.  And given the shocking and decisive US role in the hideous events in Guatemala, the truth must become part of historical consciousness and memory if we are to hope to be a civilized society.   This remarkable "recovery of historical memory" can be an essential guide to achieving these crucial goals. Noam Chomsky


Finally, I’d like to remind you about my two different educational TRAVELING EXHIBITIONS, of which there are copies available for display on a not-for-profit basis in the US, Latin America and Europe. Here are the details:

Our Culture is Our Resistance

Repression, Refuge and Healing in Guatemala

44 black and white images from my first book.


Refugees Even After Death

A Quest for Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation

40 color images documenting exhumations of clandestine cemeteries in Guatemala and the related community process.

Both of these exhibitions are framed, crated, and ready to hang. Please contact me for more information.

Jonathan “Jonás” Moller

jonas(at), jonathanmoller(at)

Many thanks for your interest, and for your support for peace, reconciliation, justice, and memory in Guatemala.