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New Bulletin 52

We publish our new Bulletin No. 52 which is dedicated to the fight against impunity and for historical memory. It contains the following articles:

  • “That history is alive and we are not forgotten”: The massacre of Los Josefinos - In this first article we retrace the long and painful road taken by those who survived the massacre of Los Josefinos in Petén. As part of our accompaniment of FAMDEGUA, we visited the community several times this year and were able to talk with the survivors.
  • Sites of memory for the Never Again: reconstruction and non-repetition - During this year we toured several sites of memory, located in different parts of the country, which deepen and confront the violent recent history of Guatemala. This article describes some of these places, bringing us closer to this past so that it will not be forgotten or repeated. They are essential spaces for building a more peaceful, participatory and just society.
  • In “News of our work” we make visible the accompaniment of the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR).