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Public statement to the Murder of trans activist Evelyn Robles

Public statement to the Murder of trans activist Evelyn Robles

PBI Guatemala condemns the cruel murder of Evelyn Robles, a trans activist found dead on November 18 (1). Evelyn Robles was accompanied by PBI between 2006 and 2009, due to the threats she faced after having witnessed the extrajudicial execution of Paulina Marrot, another trans activist, in December 2005. Evelyn Robles had identified agents of the National Civil Police as being the authors of this crime, during which she herself was seriously injured. To this day, the murder of Paulina continues in impunity.

We deeply regret the murder of Evelyn and ask that there be a full investigation carried out and for justice to be pursued. Her murder is one example of the extreme vulnerability and the serious risk faced by people of sexual diversity in Guatemala, particularly transgender people, on a daily basis.

We want to convey our condolences and sympathy to her family and friends and we call on the Government of Guatemala to commit to a rigorous monitoring of the case and to ensure the safety of people of sexual diversity.

(1) Press Release from the Unit for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders Guatemala (UDEFEGUA) and OASIS (Organización de Apoyo a una Sexualidad Integral frente al Sida), Guatemalan activist Sulma Alegría Robles, November 29, 2016.