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ALERT: DETERIORATION IN HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN MONTE OLIVO. Urgent need to solve murders of two children and other attacks reported by the communities, as well as stop the ongoing violence.

The objective of this Alert is to bring attention to and share our concerns regarding the current situation of threats and violence in Monte Olivo, Cobán (Alta Verapaz). This situation has developed within the context of the construction of a hydroelectric plant on the Icbolay river (a tributary to the Chixoy river) near the junction of the rivers Dolores and Canguinic.

ALERT: Attacks increased against human rights defenders in Guatemala

Guatemala, May 2013

The purpose of this “Alert” is to draw attention to, and share our concerns regarding the intensification and severity of attacks against human rights defenders in Guatemala, the defamation and disparaging of social movements, and the trend in bringing criminal charges against those who form part of, or support them, be they individuals, organizations, or campesino and indigenous communities.

In reaction to the murder of CARLOS HERNÁNDEZ, human rights defender accompanied by PBI during previous years

In March 8th we received notice of the cruel Front for Struggle (FNL), the Coordination of Popular, Indigenous, Religious, Workers' and Campesino Organisations of the Oriente (COPIISCO) and the Camotán Campesino Association of the department of Chiquimula, municipality of Camotán. According to the information received he was killed by shots fired from another vehicle on his return from a trip from Honduras.

Forced evictions and economic investment projects without consultation: Concerns and requests directed to the international community for protection of human rights defenders

Since december 2012, PBI Guatemala has been contacting members of our support network to inform of our concerns regarding various aspects of the situation in Guatemala, including forced evictions and violent actions taking place within the context of investment projects that are being undertaken without prior consultation and consent from those affected.


PBI has accompanied human rights defenders who have been attacked or who are under threat over the last 30 years across a variety of countries. We respond to petitions for help made by people and civil society organisations who request international accompaniment whilst carrying out non-violent work in promoting and defending human rights, particularly when those human rights have been violated or when they are under threat.

SUPPORT NETWORK ACTIVATION - Threats against groups accompanied by PBI

On this occasion, we are writing to selected contacts of PBI Guatemala Project Support Network to express our concern about a dramatic increase in SERIOUS THREATS against Guatemalan human rights defenders that we accompany. The threats are happening in the context of their work promoting economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, and the right of indigenous peoples to be informed and consulted before approval is given to large-scale development projects that affect them and their lands.