Numerous indigenous and campesino communities, committed to defending the territory and natural assets, have denounced the intervention of private companies in various geographical areas through the imposition of extractive projects (mining, hydroelectric, petrol, monoculture, etc.). Many of these projects have begun without prior consultation or, in areas where consultations have taken place, are going ahead despite the lack of consent of the affected communities and indigenous peoples. Within the framework of the social and community resistance processes articulated in the country, many human rights violations have been denounced, as have attacks against those who defend them. The characteristics of the context reflect the need to maintain international attention on the situation of human rights in Guatemala and the people who defend them, with particular concern for the situation of social actors who defend land, territory and natural resources and who struggle for the collective rights of indigenous peoples.

This theme is the area of focus of the majority of accompanied organizations, groups and communities:

the Chinautla Multisector in the department of Guatemala,

the Indigenous Community of San Francisco Quezaltepeque in the department of Chiquimula

the Maya Ch'orti' Indigenous Council of Olopa in the department of Chiquimula

the Retalhuleu Community Council (CCR) in the Soth Coast

the TZK'AT Network of Ancestral Healers of Territorial Community Feminism from Ixmulew who works in the whole country.

Peaceful Resistance La Laguna


Municipality of San Pedro Ayampuc, Department of Guatemala.

Area of ​​work and rights defended

Resistence against the installation of an electrical distribution plant and a high voltage power station in the municipality and defending the right to water and a healthy environment.


Cunén Communities’ Council


Municipality of Cunén, Department of Quiché

Area of ​​work and rights defended

It is an organized process of defence of land and territory, natural resources and human rights.


Peaceful Resistance La Puya


Municipalities of San José del Golfo and San Pedro Ayampuc, department of Guatemala.

Area of ​​work and rights defended

Peaceful resistance to express their disagreement with the planned mining project in their municipalities. La Puya claim their right to information and prior consultation. They defend their right to water and a healthy environment, and call for an independent environmental impact study.



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